FeeFee, a 10 month old tortoise shell tabby kitten, had been stuck about 60 feet up a tree not far from her owner's back porch for 5 days before her owner, Alice, found my website. The hardest part of the rescue was getting my rope into the densely foliated tree. Even with the help of Alice's very patient adult nephew I think it took 1.5 hours and 4 tries before I could pull my climbing line over an adequate tie in point. By that point it was starting to get dark (hence no rescue pictures). Once the tree was rigged the rescue itself was quite quick and FeeFee and I were down within a half hour. 80 year old Alice was so grateful that she gave me a hug despite my filthiness.
The next day Alice sent this picture of FeeFee along with a note which read, "For me and my family-your willingness to risk your life for our little kitty FeeFee will go down in history as the unthinkable and remarkable rescue. Again we all thank you."