Biggie had been stuck in a sturdy oak tree 50 feet directly above his house for 6 days! His owner had texted me from the hospital. He is in poor health and Biggie's situation wasn't helping matters any. During the week they had tried all kinds of things to entice Biggie to come down. The brought the laser pointer out one night to see if they could lure him down the tree. Another day they brought the blender outside on an extension cord and turned it on. Normally when Biggie hears the blender he runs around like a wild cat, but not this time - he didn't budge. They also called the fire department, but as is usually the case, they were not able to offer any assistance.
The rescue went smoothly, although Biggie was not in any mood to be put in the rescue bag. I was glad that I could stick around after the rescue to meet Biggie and many of the 8 cats that live in the home with him. I was also glad to meet Biggie's owners - 2 people with the biggest hearts imaginable! And as you watch the video see if Chuck, Biggie's owner, reminds you of anyone. Ho Ho Ho!